iX12 Programming for a 6 Servo Sailplane with a Motor.
The new iX12 is an impressive evolution of the DX series of transmitters. If you are stepping up from a DX Transmitter, you will feel right at home programming your sailplane because Airware (Spektrum's Firmware) is still used in the iX12. Imported spm files from your DX Transmitter will work in the iX12. The menus and features are unchanged except for voices.
The Android side of the Transmitter provides the pretty interface for the color touch screen, Googles Text-to-Speech functions, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity and automatic App and firmware updates.
Each side of the Transmitter controls is own independent processor. If Android crashes, you maintain control of your sailplane.
Because voices are handled so differently, you will need to reprogram any voice features from your imported DX files.
As with previous guides, three prepared templates are provided that you can import to your iX12 and the programming is nearly done.
Overlaid in each template are complete setups for three, five and seven Flight Modes. You only need to change a setting or two. Each feature in the prepared template has already been given a value that will be fairly close to what a typical sailplane will use. So everything works out of the box. Flaps with elevator compensation, trailing edge presets, camber slider, Flight Modes and everything else you will need are already programmed. The guide takes you step by step through tweaking the values for your sailplane and personal preferences.
Five different motor control methods are provided in the guide including one where the throttle stick acts both as a throttle and Flap control.
Startup warnings are already installed. If a warning is triggered a voice combined with text on the screen will tell you how to silence the alarm.
Several telemetry features are already programed. Automatically announce altitude at push over at the top of the climb, altitude and receiver voltage by toggling a switch, altitude automatically repeated on a selected frequency and others.
If you install a GPS sensor, the guide shows you how to overlay the flight track on Google Maps.
The guide even takes through what to do at the field for the first time and includes how to set the CG and trim the controls for your flying style.
Before you buy PLEASE read the FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) on how to receive your digital download.
To give you and ideal of the scope of the Guide, a copy of the Table of Contents is provided below.